Build relationships and revenue with HubSpot Salesforce Integration

We know that choosing the right customer relationship management (CRM) platform is essential for the foundations of any successful business. What’s more, your chosen CRM will sit at the core of your sales process and it should keep your team organised, increase overall efficiency and give your leadership clear direction on how to grow revenue.

As the two leading cloud based CRM platforms, Salesforce and HubSpot are often compared against each other. But at the end of the day both platforms provide sales teams with a robust solution that can scale with organisational growth. They can also be integrated into a more synergised system working in tandem. 

The HubSpot-Salesforce integration allows you to pass data between HubSpot and Salesforce seamlessly, and maintain consistency between your marketing and sales teams. It's not all plain sailing though, but luckily Wave is here to help you navigate the process, in fact we are certified in the HubSpot - Salesforce integration.

What can the integration do for me? 

If you’re thinking about carrying out the integration then it’s worth knowing what benefits you’ll get from the synergising of the two systems: 

  • Changes in one system are automatically synced to the other because of the bi-directional sync with rules on a field level you can manage.
  • You can send lead scores from HubSpot to Salesforce to help with sales prioritisation.  
  • You can use the bi-directional data to score leads and create segmented lists.
  • Your personalised marketing campaigns will automatically sync their responses back into Salesforce. 
  • You can tie specific marketing campaigns to real revenue.
  • You’ll get endless apps, integrations, and marketer-first features.

You can also sync the following objects:

  • Accounts in Salesforce > Companies in HubSpot
  • Opportunities in Salesforce > Deals in HubSpot
  • Salesforce Activities > HubSpot Events
  • Contacts and Lead in Salesforce to HubSpot Contacts
  • Custom objects when you have HubSpot Marketing Enterprise

When will you need expert intervention? 

A standard HubSpot Salesforce integration can be easy to configure but let’s face it, companies that use Salesforce are usually those that have some pretty complex features. If your Salesforce account has evolved to be highly customised or if it contains protected information (financial or medical information for example), it’s best to get an expert to install the integration.

The following situations often cause issues for those businesses where finding a partner to assist is recommended:

Complex automation that is tailored to you business

Some of the processes that keep Salesforce running smoothly can cause an interruption in the integration, which will result in your contacts becoming out of date and siloed in Salesforce or HubSpot. 

Customised features and fields for your customers

This applies to whatever lead or contact mapping you have in Salesforce because those custom fields will need to be built and mapped in HubSpot as well. In some cases the opposite may be required and you might not want to sync certain contact fields or types. These situations will require the implementation of the Selective Sync feature, which will ultimately require the support of an experienced HubSpot super user. 

Choose a dedicated resource to support your integration

If you don’t already have a full time resource, colleague or partner agency assigned to your HubSpot account then now is the time to get that sorted. The health and success of the integration is dependent on the level of resource that you're able to apply.

Get in touch 

Are you thinking about switching from Salesforce to HubSpot? Well get in touch with the team at Wave! We can port your CRM data across systems faff-free, without complex coding and work with you to clean your data and plan field mappings. Plus if you don’t want to stop using Salesforce, we can also integrate your HubSpot and Salesforce accounts for seamless data transfers.

As a HubSpot Partner and certified in the HubSpot to Salesforce integration, our team has the knowledge and experience to help keep your transition simple and carefree. We’re also a people focused team and we’re able to facilitate a whole range of complex arrangements. We love a challenge!

So if you want to get in touch because you have more questions or because you want to take the next step, then just click on the button below and say hello.

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