Safeguard Your Business and Customers with HubSpot's Data Security

When it comes to your customers and your business, data security should be one of your biggest priorities. This is especially true as you grow. You can keep data in a set of spreadsheets, but they are vulnerable to attack and your business could be penalised (opens in a new window). Also, you have to put a lot of effort into managing them. 

This is why you need a customer relationship management (CRM) platform like HubSpot – it keeps your sensitive information confidential. In this blog post, Wave (opens in a new window) explores the benefits of a data secure CRM for your business and customers. Additionally, we'll provide you with some practical tips to help you enhance the security of your CRM data, especially if you're a beginner.

Why Data Security Matters

Data security is not just a buzzword. It's a fundamental aspect of any successful business. By prioritising the security of your CRM data, you:

  • Safeguard your company's reputation
  • Foster trust with your customers. 

When your customers are confident you protect their personal information, they're more likely to engage with your business and remain loyal.

Lifeguard in yellow and red looking out to sea

HubSpot's Commitment to Data Security for Small Businesses

HubSpot understands the significance of data security and has implemented robust measures to keep your information safe. Their CRM platform offers several features that enhance data security – your customer and business data is safe and you don’t even need to do anything. 

This is what HubSpot does:

1. Encryption

HubSpot employs advanced encryption protocols to protect data in transit and at rest. As default they use a defence-in-depth approach and use end-to-end encryption. This means that your information is kept confidential and unreadable to anyone without proper authorisation.

2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

To further fortify access to your CRM data, HubSpot enables two-factor authentication. By requiring an additional verification step, such as a unique code sent to your mobile device, it adds an extra layer of security to your account.

3. Role-Based Access Control

HubSpot's CRM allows you to assign specific roles and permissions to team members, ensuring that only authorised personnel can access sensitive customer data. This feature helps prevent data breaches caused by internal mishandling or unauthorised access.

4. Backup and Disaster Recovery

Accidental data loss can wreak havoc on your business. HubSpot's CRM automatically backs up your data, mitigating the risk of permanent loss. In the event of a disaster, you can rely on their robust disaster recovery measures to restore your data promptly.

5. HubSpot doesn’t sell your data

The data you store in HubSpot is yours. HubSpot just protects it and sticks to what they say in their Privacy Policy (opens in a new window) and Customer Terms of Service (opens in a new window). They never sell your data or share it with other customers. 

Practical Tips for Enhancing CRM Data Security

lifeguard looking out to sea

Having strong data protection is a great foundation, but hackers are crafty and training your staff to detect phishing attempts is another great barrier. 

Here are some practical steps your business can take: 

1. Strong Passwords

Start by ensuring that all your HubSpot users have strong, unique passwords for their CRM accounts. Encourage the use of a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Remember, "password123" won't be too hard for hackers to crack!

2. Regular Password Updates

Encourage your team to change their passwords regularly. Regular updates will help prevent unauthorised access in case their credentials are compromised.

3. Employee Education

Educate your team about the importance of data security and the role they play in maintaining it. Help them understand the implications of mishandling sensitive customer data and the potential consequences for your business.

4. Limited Access

Grant access privileges only to those who require it. Avoid providing full access to everyone, as this increases the risk of accidental data breaches.

5. Secure Network

Ensure that your CRM platform is accessed only via secure networks. Public Wi-Fi networks, for example, are more susceptible to attacks. Encourage your team to use virtual private networks (VPNs) when accessing the CRM remotely.

What have we learned? 

Securing your CRM data is a vital step in protecting your business and customers. 

HubSpot's commitment to data security, with encryption, two-factor authentication, role-based access control, and robust backup and disaster recovery measures, makes it a reliable choice for businesses. 

By following simple yet effective security practices like using strong passwords, regular updates, employee education, limited access, and secure networks, you can further enhance the security of your CRM data. Remember, prioritising data security is an ongoing process that requires constant vigilance and adaptation to stay one step ahead of potential threats.

Need help setting up HubSpot security?

Wave is a Gold HubSpot Partner (opens in a new window) that offers detailed onboarding for your business. We have a deliberately small team so that we can focus on delivering the best possible service for your business. 

Why not get in touch with us today? You know you want to. 

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